

New: "The New Testament: A Historical Introduction to the Early Christian Writings, 8th Edition"

2023 (co-authored with Bart D. Ehrman)

"Did the Johannine Community Exist?"

Spring 2020


Journal for the Study of the New Testament


March 2020

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Renewing Johannine Historical Criticism: A Proposal

The Johannine Community in Current Debate
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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1, 2, and 3 John

Judeophobia and the New Testament: Texts and Contexts
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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Revising the Date of the Armenian Lectionary of Jerusalem

Journal of Early Christian Studies, 29 (2021): 61–92
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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What Does Lazarus Have to Do with the Epiphany? Unraveling a Mystery in the Early Jerusalem Lectionary

Studia Patristica, Vol. CXXV: Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, ed. by Markus Vinzent, vol. 21, 51–63
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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Did the Johannine Community Exist?

Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 42 (2020): 350–374
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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The Ritual Year of Fourth- and Fifth-Century Constantinople: Insights from the Gothic Calendar

Studies in Oriental Liturgy, ed. by Bert Groen, Daniel Galadza, Gabriel Radle, and Nina Glibertic, ECS 28. Leuven: Peeters, 2019, 167–178.
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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Mixed Metaphors: Resolving the Eschatological Headache of John 5

Journal of Biblical Literature, 137 (2018): 711
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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Stephen the Martyr (Acts VI–VIII) in the Early Jerusalem Lectionary System

The Journal of Ecclesiastical History, 68 (2017): 22-39
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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Semitic Poetic Techniques in the Magnificat: Luke 1:46–47, 55

Journal of Biblical Literature, 135 (2016): 557
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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‘Night’ and ‘Day’ in John 9.4-5: A Reassessment

New Testament Studies, 61 (2015): 468-481.
Hugo Mendez
Publisher's website BibTeX
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The Origin of the Post-Nativity Commemorations

Vigiliae Christianae, 68 (2014): 290-309
Hugo Mendez
Publisher's website BibTeX