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1, 2, and 3 John

Judeophobia and the New Testament: Texts and Contexts
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX

Renewing Johannine Historical Criticism: A Proposal

The Johannine Community in Current Debate
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX

What Does Lazarus Have to Do with the Epiphany? Unraveling a Mystery in the Early Jerusalem Lectionary

Studia Patristica, Vol. CXXV: Papers presented at the Eighteenth International Conference on Patristic Studies held in Oxford 2019, ed. by Markus Vinzent, vol. 21, 51–63
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX

Revising the Date of the Armenian Lectionary of Jerusalem

Journal of Early Christian Studies, 29 (2021): 61–92
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX

Did the Johannine Community Exist?

Journal for the Study of the New Testament, 42 (2020): 350–374
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX

Semitic Poetic Techniques in the Magnificat: Luke 1:46–47, 55

Journal of Biblical Literature, 135 (2016): 557
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX

The Ritual Year of Fourth- and Fifth-Century Constantinople: Insights from the Gothic Calendar

Studies in Oriental Liturgy, ed. by Bert Groen, Daniel Galadza, Gabriel Radle, and Nina Glibertic, ECS 28. Leuven: Peeters, 2019, 167–178.
Hugo Méndez
Publisher's website BibTeX