The Daily Beast: “Everyone’s Favorite Gospel is a Forgery”
In a Daily Beast piece released this past Sunday (3/7/20), professor and writer Candida Moss profiles my new article, “Did the Johannine Community Exist?” I’m grateful to see my work translated so effectively to a popular audience—a special gift of Candida’s—and I’m especially honored by the many endorsements of my article littered throughout the piece (here offered as […]
UNC Interview: “Was the Bible’s Gospel of John Author Fake?”
I recently completed an interview with UNC’s University Communications about my new article in JSNT, “Did the Johannine Community Exist?” As I note in the interview, the origins of the Gospel and Epistles of John have been “a mystery… we’ve been trying to get into these texts, and put together clues as to who the real author or authors of […]
New Article: “Did the Johannine Community Exist?”
I’m happy to report that my article on the Johannine community has been released in the March 2020 issue of the Journal for the Study of the New Testament. The piece is Sage Choice/Open Access courtesy of UNC Libraries, so please consider a read or share! The abstract is below: This article challenges the historical existence of […]
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