UNC Interview: “Was the Bible’s Gospel of John Author Fake?”
I recently completed an interview with UNC’s University Communications about my new article in JSNT, “Did the Johannine Community Exist?” As I note in the interview, the origins of the Gospel and Epistles of John have been “a mystery… we’ve been trying to get into these texts, and put together clues as to who the real author or authors of […]
New Article: “Did the Johannine Community Exist?”
I’m happy to report that my article on the Johannine community has been released in the March 2020 issue of the Journal for the Study of the New Testament. The piece is Sage Choice/Open Access courtesy of UNC Libraries, so please consider a read or share! The abstract is below: This article challenges the historical existence of […]
Syllabus: “The Gospel of John and its Earliest Readers” (UNC Chapel Hill)
For a taste of my recent teaching (advanced undergraduate), see the syllabus for my John seminar, posted at my academia.edu page. Abstract: This course traces the evolution of John—both as a written text and as an object of interpretation—to illuminate the shifting interests and anxieties of Christians living in the 1st–3rd centuries CE. Our study […]
New Publication: “‘He Spoke… Forever’: A Hebrew Idiom in Luke 1,55”
My latest article with Biblica is posted online. Abstract: “This article isolates three parallels to the expression, “he spoke… forever” (Luke 1,55) in translations of the Psalms of Solomon and Jubilees. These parallels suggest that Luke 1,55 calques a Hebrew idiom for oath-swearing, likely known to Luke from Greek translations in his sources. Read in light […]
Syllabus: “Jesus” (UNC-Chapel Hill)
Enjoy the syllabus (with activities and prompt questions) for my course on the historical Jesus, now posted at my academia.edu page.
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